Al-Andalus Saturday Program


SKU: N/A Category:


Note: Registration is not confirmed until registration fee and either:
• The full fees is paid, or
• We receive voided check for monthly ACH withdrawal.

Ages 4-10:
• Memorization of Surahs focusing on recitation with proper pronunciation and applying tajweed rules
• Hands on project- based topics focused on raising strong young

Girls ll and up:
• Salah e Nabwi
• Seerah of Prophet SAW
• Tafseer of selected Surahs

First Day of School: Saturday, Sep 7, 2024
Timing: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Registration Fee: $25
Full Year Fee: $450
Monthly Fee: $45

For questions, tuition, and discounts please contact
Sr. Asra Karim: (847) 637-7832
Sr. Lubna Sattar: (630) 217-2648

Boys 13 and up:

ICWS also has a Youth Halaga led by Ustadh Faizan Mumtaz for more information please contact him at 630-379-6342

Additional information

Fees Per Student

One Student Registration Fee, One Student Monthly Fee, One Student Full Fees